Exploring the universe,
understanding its evolution

NOEMA observatory NOEMA observatory

About IRAM

The Institut de radioastronomie millimétrique (IRAM) is an international research institute and the first European center for millimetre-wave radio astronomy. Our headquarters are based in Grenoble, France. We employ over 120 scientists, engineers technicians and administrative staff from over 10 different countries that work on two world-class observatories.

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Our mission

Our teams are dedicated to the exploration of the universe and the study of its evolution from its origins, to today and into the future.

Our technical teams develop instruments specially designed for radio astronomy, at the cutting edge of modern radio technology. Our research teams use these instruments to explore and learn more about the vast universe we live in.

Our work ethic

IRAM strives for scientific and technological excellence. Both our observatories and their instrumental equipment operate at top level worldwide.

Our goal is to provide the international astronomical community with the most performant radio facilities they can get to focus on the key questions of modern astronomy.